-Minimal Fire Risk
-No Cooling Liquids
-Easier Maintenance
-Lower Operating Cost
-Simplicity of Installation
-Advantages of IP and NEMA Enclosures
-Possibility of Significant increase in performance
-High Short time overload capacity
-High Reliability
-Versatility and Performance
-Available in all NEMA & IP Enclosure Models
(Up to NEMA 4X)
All of our transformers are manufactured in compliance
with IEC 60076-11, NEMA ST 20, IEEE C57.12.01, SABIC and
Aramco standard and in particular meet the requirements for
climatic (C), environmental (E) and fire (F) classes:
Climatic Class C2
Transformers suitable for working, transportation and storage
at temperatures down to -25°C.
Environmental Class E2
Transformers suitable for working in environment where they
can be subject to frequent condensation, heavy pollution or a
combination of the two.
Fire Behavior Class F1
Transformers exposed to a fire hazard. They are characterized
by restricted inflammability, low emission of toxic substances
and opaque fumes.